

Marcus Reistad Dobbeltspill (Double Dealing)

Marcus Reistad (b. 1991 in Gjøvik) is currently based in Gothenburg where he is studying a Bachelor in Fine Art at HDK-Valand.


Eva Svaneblom #evasvaneblomthesocial - The Galleri 54 Peepshow

Hello! Welcome to my micro exhibition in the peepshow at Galleri 54.


Johanna Arvidsson En mantel av hav och ett hjärta fyllt av kärlek

Experiences are laid out as a jigsaw, and emotions form in those patterns that our time affirms. I search backwards in time in order to write a women’s history for posterity.


Moa Märta Markgren Illustrerad vardag

Moa Märta Markgren is in her second year of her bachelor in design at HDK-Valand in Gothenburg.


Rocio Soto The end of the beginning

Two concepts permanently present in our lives. Where is the limit in between them? 
This work is a graphic exploration of the thin line that separates or merges them.


Sally von Rosen Slow Shopping

Opening Friday Oct 11th at 6–9pm


Saga Trygged Iko & Sally Karlsson Fernando & The Spectator

Fernando & The Spectator


Anna Kinbom Stories Untold, peepshow

Photos of places the artist associates with a memory that emerged when she gave birth to her first child.

Anna also has an exhibition in Pannrummet at Konstepidemin until February 7.


Charlie Vince Jakobsson & Moa Hjärtström Sovstad / en hinna / en dröm

when I dream I dream about swamps, wetlands

I dream about the surface

I dream about utopias

I dream about care