Björn Kjelltoft, Joanna Rytel, Oskar Korsár

Björn Kjelltoft, Joanna Rytel, Oskar Korsár

Björn Kjelltoft

Björn describes his working process with the Swedish word ”pyssel” and ”to roam free”.

Various mediums such as painting, drawing and textiles co-exist, often with fragments of words and phrases. Björn’s slogan” Poor Quality Is Also a Quality” can be seen as a direct invitation to everyone and anyone to contribute to playing with social hierarchies, taste, and aesthetics without being affected by a feeling of the need to living up to other people’s expectations. 


Joanna Rytel

”Ready for Berghain”

Someone said they had lower market value on Tinder.

Then I made art.

Mobility aids should be sexy.

I'm going to dress up.

I'm going to be an influencer, even though I'm not even in a wheelchair.

Or am I just preparing myself.

I mean, anyone could be in a wheelchair tomorrow.


Oskar Korsár

Oskar Korsár was one of the most distinguished artists making drawings that emerged during the early 2000s craze for neo-figuration. Then he almost quit making drawings, then started teaching, writing poetry, and writing and staging art-historical farce, but most of the time to do nothing at all. Now he has begun making drawings again and will be back for the first time in ten years showing a new group of work.